"You don't lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going to that place and making a case."— Ken Kesey
Being a continuous learner is something I believe in wholeheartedly. So...if I am asking my students to go to that scary place and make themselves vulnerable by sharing, then I, too, must do the same thing. How convincing am I otherwise?
What did I learn at school today? I learned that giving students a voice and giving students an audience makes for greater student engagement. This is really a "duh" moment when I really think about it. I posted their work on a newly created site called the Grade 9 Showcase, and I can hardly wait for our next class to view their "Show Me" creations as a group.
So. There you have it. Two learning moments...a light-bulb and a duh. Not bad for one day!
And sharing really wasn't so bad after all.